Meet the Team

Shihan / 7th Dan
Kev Merriman
Kev is the Chief Instructor for Seiko-Kai in New Zealand.
Kev has been successful at Regional, National and International level, medaling in UK, Canada, France, Japan and New Zealand in Kata and Kumite.
In 2006 Kev was presented an award for a lifetime dedication and commitment to martial arts at the prestigious, International Martial Arts Hall of Fame Awards in London.
Kev receives direct guidance from Grandmaster Seiko Suzuki - Soke based in Japan.

Sensei / 3rd Dan
Dan Visker
Dan is the senior instructor at the Academy of Seiko-kai Karate.
Dan started his martial arts career in Tae Kwon Do and Judo.
Dan is a self-defence expert, but also technically proficient with advanced kicking techniques.
Dan brings much humour and fun to classes and his unique approach to teaching often leaves students remaining behind after class for more!

Sensei / 3rd Dan
Jo Merriman
Jo is the club Secretary and administration officer as well as a Sensei.
She is responsible for memberships, tournament registrations, grading bookings, ordering of uniform and equipment etc.
Jo is always at hand to help out/assist as required. Her teaching style includes lots of fun for our younger members.
Jo also works hard behind the scenes for the Club. In short, Jo is the glue that keeps everything running smooth at the dojo.
Student Leadership
At the Academy of Seiko-Kai Karate we believe in building leaders out of our students, the following students help with day-to-day management of the dojo and planning special events.

Ruby Wilson
Trainee instructor / 1st Dan

Phil Shaw
Sensei / 1st Dan

Jake Dale
Sensei / 1st Dan

Christopher Flanagan
Sensei / 1st Dan

Liam Visker
Trainee instructor / Jr. 2nd Dan

Aidan Leigh
Trainee instructor / 1st Dan